St. Patrick’s Day DUI Checks And Unsafe Driving In Hawke’s Bay

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St Patrick’s Day celebrations in Hawke’s Bay were marred by a series of driving incidents, highlighting concerns over “St Patrick’s Day driving: Breath tests and bad driving in Hawke’s Bay”. The festivities, which often involve alcohol consumption, saw multiple drivers processed for excess breath alcohol and engaging in careless driving, raising serious safety issues.

Key takeaways

  • 38-year-old charged with excess breath alcohol and careless driving in Hastings.
  • Two separate crashes occurred on Kennedy Rd in Napier on St Patrick’s Day.
  • Police processed several individuals for driving with excess breath alcohol.
  • Inspector Trevor Beggs advised celebrants to have a plan to get home safely.

St Patrick’s Day festivities in Hawke’s Bay were overshadowed by numerous driving offenses, including excess breath alcohol charges and hit-and-run incidents.

Excess Alcohol and Crashes Cast Shadow on Celebrations

During the St Patrick’s Day weekend, a car collided with a suburban fence in Hastings, which was just the beginning of the troubles. The driver, a 38-year-old, was subsequently charged with driving with excess breath alcohol, well over the legal limit, and careless driving. This incident was a stark reminder of the dangers of impaired driving during holiday celebrations.

In a similar vein, Napier’s Kennedy Rd was the scene of two crashes within a short span, with one incident involving a hit-and-run. The police are actively seeking the occupants who fled, and another driver was found with a sore wrist and processed for excess breath alcohol. These incidents reflect a concerning pattern of St Patrick’s Day driving: Breath tests and bad driving in Hawke’s Bay.

Police Urge Responsibility Amidst St Patrick’s Day Festivities

Eastern District Police took to social media to encourage responsible celebration during St Patrick’s Day. Inspector Trevor Beggs, in his message, highlighted the importance of having a plan to get home safely. Despite this, police were kept busy with individuals driving with excess breath alcohol the following morning, indicating that the message may not have reached all.

Last year, a significant number of drink-drivers were apprehended in a single weekend, showing a persistent issue in the region. This St Patrick’s Day driving: Breath tests and bad driving in Hawke’s Bay, once again underscores the need for continuous efforts to combat drunk driving and promote road safety.

Incident Location Outcome
Car into fence Hastings Driver charged with excess breath alcohol
Two crashes Napier, Kennedy Rd Hit-and-run; drivers processed for excess alcohol
Police advice Hawke’s Bay Plan to get home safely

St Patrick’s Day driving in Hawke’s Bay this year has brought to light the ongoing issue of bad driving and the consequences of excess alcohol consumption. Despite police efforts and public advisories, the region witnessed several driving offenses, including breath alcohol levels exceeding legal limits. It is imperative that drivers understand the risks and responsibilities associated with holiday celebrations to ensure the safety of all road users.

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