Mayor Upset Over Failed Bid For West Midlands Police Control

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Mayor ‘disappointed’ at losing bid to take over policing in West Midlands after ‘unlawful’ consultation

Key takeaways

  • High Court rules Home Office consultation on policing takeover as unlawful.
  • West Midlands Mayor Andy Street’s bid to oversee police is rejected.
  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections to proceed as planned on May 2nd.
  • Mr Justice Swift criticizes the lack of information provided during the consultation.

The High Court has thwarted plans for the West Midlands Mayor to assume control over the region’s police force, citing an unlawful consultation process by the Home Office.

High Court Blocks Mayor’s Policing Takeover Plan

The ambition of West Midlands Mayor Andy Street to manage the local police force was dealt a significant setback. A High Court ruling declared that the Home Office’s consultation, which underpinned the proposed transfer of powers, was conducted unlawfully. Mayor ‘disappointed’ at losing bid to take over policing in West Midlands after ‘unlawful’ consultation, Andy Street has expressed his dismay, emphasizing his commitment to addressing the region’s crime rates.

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Legal Victory

Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster successfully challenged the consultation process, ensuring that the role remains separate from the mayoral office. Foster’s legal triumph confirms that the electorate will have their say in the upcoming PCC elections. The Mayor ‘disappointed’ at losing bid to take over policing in West Midlands after ‘unlawful’ consultation outcome has been a significant blow to the consolidation efforts.

Date Event
Earlier this Month Legal challenge to Home Office consultation
May 2nd Scheduled PCC elections
February 6, 2024 Home Secretary’s decision quashed by High Court

Mayor ‘disappointed’ at losing bid to take over policing in West Midlands after ‘unlawful’ consultation marks a turning point in the governance of local law enforcement. The High Court’s decision underscores the importance of lawful and transparent processes in public consultations, ensuring that the voices of the electorate are heard and respected in matters of local governance and policing.

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